I told you guys that i would have some news for you... And i do. I'm in New York! Yup, the big apple.
I got here last night after a bunch of delays and a night at a hotel in Detroit. But here i am, alive and healthy.
I'll be updating more when i've seen the city more and got stuff to tell you.
Be safe.
Today it's christmas eve and today is the day we get all our presents here in Sweden, haha. Well first we start off by watching Donald Duck and his friends on TV. It's a tradition and i think almost every single swede is watching that shit. Yes, shit. I'm pretty tired of it!
Then we eat, get presents, drink coffee, eat rice porridge and a bunch of other stuff. It's time to get fat! I know that you in for example America celebrates on christmas day but here in Sweden that's the day to relax OR go out clubbing.
I prefer to relax. And this year i have important stuff to deal with...
Soooooo, dear readers. I wanna wish you a merry christmas and i hope you're all with your loved ones and that you'll have a great time.
I promise i'll take some pictures and show you.
Jewelry making/selling.

Satisfied customer.
Sometimes, everything just feels gray.
I'm ok.

pic by my love.
This blog has been dead. But! I think i can promise you that it's gonna come alive pretty soon again. Christmas is coming up and a lot of fun things. You'll see! I can guarantee that it's gonna be more fun to blog in just a couple of weeks...
So how are you? How's life? And what are you wearing on new years? God... I have no clue what to wear. And the place i'm going to is pretty much all about fashion, haha.
Oh well, i just wanted to give you guys an update and don't you dare to leave me! You have no idea how interesting this blog is about to get!
Me and my hubby are now selling some of his art on a online auction.
Make sure to click on the link and start biding! You won't regret it.
I miss someone. I miss someone so bad that it hurts. My whole being hurts. They say you never know what you have until you loose it. Well, i did know... And i haven't lost it but it's not close to me right now.
I have no idea what to do, how to get closer... Life is so freaking hard sometimes and it seems like the most shitty stuff always happen to those who already got a hard time. This sucks.
Oh well... Time to think even harder, so hard that you can see fumes come out of my ears. It would be awesome with some support but the people in my life doesn't seem to know what real support is.
I'm on my own. Well ok, it's me and my love since noone else can understand me.
Don't worry baby, i'll be with you in no time! ♥