LA baby.
På min födelsedag så fick jag två engångskameror. Förra veckan så skickade jag in en av dem till FUJIfilm och fick idag tillbaka bilderna. Som det så ofta blir, när det inte är digitalt, så blev en del bilder hur dåliga som helst hahaha.
Jag saknar dock LA och min finaste så himla mycket när jag ser bilderna.

Jag saknar dock LA och min finaste så himla mycket när jag ser bilderna.

Vill inte...
Nu har jag inte bloggat på över en vecka. Sorry att ni inte har haft något att läsa men det har faktiskt inte hänt så mycket. Jag har ingenting att skriva om och behöver mer tid på mig för att verkligen få den slags blogg som jag vill ha.
Visst kan man blogga utan bilder men det blir inte roligt alls...
Visst kan man blogga utan bilder men det blir inte roligt alls...
Jag måste tänka på vad jag vill förmedla och hur personlig jag egentligen vill vara. Jag är inte så säker än men vi får väl se...
Nu har jag iallafall en månad kvar här i USA och det gör ont i hjärtat. Jag vill absolut inte säga hej då (igen) till min finaste. Det känns som att någon hugger mig i hjärtat varenda gång vi säger hej då och jag vill inte vara med om det! Det gör mer ont eftersom man inte vet när man kommer ses igen... Hade ju varit annorlunda ifall man bodde i samma stad eller i samma land. Men när man bor på två olika kontinenter och har en tidsskillnad på nio timmar så är det inte så himla lätt.
Jag avundas er som bor nära varandra och då menar jag även er som bara kan ta tåget eller flyga i 2 timmar...
Just nu är han på jobbet och jag har gjort en kakdeg. Varma kakor är just bäst så ska grädda dem efter maten. Hoppas min fina blir glad!
Nu har jag iallafall en månad kvar här i USA och det gör ont i hjärtat. Jag vill absolut inte säga hej då (igen) till min finaste. Det känns som att någon hugger mig i hjärtat varenda gång vi säger hej då och jag vill inte vara med om det! Det gör mer ont eftersom man inte vet när man kommer ses igen... Hade ju varit annorlunda ifall man bodde i samma stad eller i samma land. Men när man bor på två olika kontinenter och har en tidsskillnad på nio timmar så är det inte så himla lätt.
Jag avundas er som bor nära varandra och då menar jag även er som bara kan ta tåget eller flyga i 2 timmar...
Just nu är han på jobbet och jag har gjort en kakdeg. Varma kakor är just bäst så ska grädda dem efter maten. Hoppas min fina blir glad!
You don't look Swedish.
Insåg att jag skrev på svenska i mitt förra inlägg... Men vet ni vad? Det gör inget.
Jag tror att jag ska skriva mer på svenska, iallafall ett tag framöver! Lite trött på engelskan nu haha... If you don't understand Swedish, please use google translate! Haha...
Idag fick jag höra något fruktansvärt. Min fina berättade att en utvecklingsstörd tjej blev våldtagen på en buss här i LA igår... Fyfan. FY FAN.
Jag ser mig själv som en ganska snäll person med vänlig själ men när jag hör sådana saker så vill jag bara att personen/personerna ska DÖ på ett smärtsamt sätt.
Vet ni vad jag får höra ofta här? "Du ser inte svensk ut". Oftast är det även människor som aldrig ens har varit i Sverige som säger sånt... För någon vecka sedan fick jag också höra "Du måste vara den mörkaste personen i Sverige isåfall vaaa".
Fattar inte dessa människor att de låter väldigt dumma?
När jag fick den sista kommentaren så var jag lite dryg tillbaka...
Folk verkar tro att alla är blonda med blå ögon i Sverige, haha... Knäppisar. TRAVEL MORE!
Förutom mitt utseende så säger de alltid mitt namn fel... Eller, alla säger EMELIE/EMILY till och med efter att de har sett mitt namn nedskrivet. Jag fattar inte? Vad är det som är så svårt med att säga EMILIA?
Men nu när jag träffar nya människor så säger jag alltid åt dem att de kan kalla mig EM, lättare så. På så vis slipper jag bli förbannad när de ger mig ett nytt namn!
Jag tror att jag ska skriva mer på svenska, iallafall ett tag framöver! Lite trött på engelskan nu haha... If you don't understand Swedish, please use google translate! Haha...
Idag fick jag höra något fruktansvärt. Min fina berättade att en utvecklingsstörd tjej blev våldtagen på en buss här i LA igår... Fyfan. FY FAN.
Jag ser mig själv som en ganska snäll person med vänlig själ men när jag hör sådana saker så vill jag bara att personen/personerna ska DÖ på ett smärtsamt sätt.
Vet ni vad jag får höra ofta här? "Du ser inte svensk ut". Oftast är det även människor som aldrig ens har varit i Sverige som säger sånt... För någon vecka sedan fick jag också höra "Du måste vara den mörkaste personen i Sverige isåfall vaaa".
Fattar inte dessa människor att de låter väldigt dumma?
När jag fick den sista kommentaren så var jag lite dryg tillbaka...
Folk verkar tro att alla är blonda med blå ögon i Sverige, haha... Knäppisar. TRAVEL MORE!
Förutom mitt utseende så säger de alltid mitt namn fel... Eller, alla säger EMELIE/EMILY till och med efter att de har sett mitt namn nedskrivet. Jag fattar inte? Vad är det som är så svårt med att säga EMILIA?
Men nu när jag träffar nya människor så säger jag alltid åt dem att de kan kalla mig EM, lättare så. På så vis slipper jag bli förbannad när de ger mig ett nytt namn!

Santa Monica and Venice.
I have to be honest with you. I hate blogging without pictures and that's why I don't write much anymore.
I know that most of you don't care but it's not the kind of blog that I wanna have.
Ugh, sucks.
I know that most of you don't care but it's not the kind of blog that I wanna have.
Ugh, sucks.
Today, we went to Santa Monica and Venice. It was fun to see the places that you've only seen on TV before. But seriously, there's mostly homeless people in Venice. No glam.
You can also buy a lot of art there from local artists and I think it's so sad... They have so much talent and then they end up there. What the hell is up with the world?
I'm also pretty tired of the racist bullshit that's going on here and in the rest of the world.
We had to take several buses today so we bought a daypass for $5, which means that you can use it 8584895457 times if you want.
We get on the bus, my card is fine and I keep on walking when the bus driver suddenly asks my love where he's going. He gives her an answer and she tells him that he's gotta pay more.
She also stopped another afro american girl.
Freaking racist! And don't tell me she's not... She didn't care about me or her fellow mexicans.
It's driving me crazy because it's not right!
That's it for today, hahaha....
Sorry for not updating my blog more often! I've been pretty busy...
Two of our friends from Vancouver flew in Wednesday morning and we took them to Hollywood and walked around for a bit. We didn't have much time because later that night, we had a party to go to!
We went back to our place and got ready. Me and my friend Meg bought some cat-masks and I dunno what the guys were up to? My babe said that he was supposed to be a dead person... Haha...
The party was at The Standard, on their rooftop. I loved it! It's a really nice hotel with an amazing view. Tons of people, a swimming pool and water beds!!
We we're laying on the water beds, laughing so hard at the whole situation and then Robert DeNiro showed up. Well, not the real one but a guy who works at the hotel dressed up as him and he was too funny!!
I had so much fun with the "gang"! ♥
Two of our friends from Vancouver flew in Wednesday morning and we took them to Hollywood and walked around for a bit. We didn't have much time because later that night, we had a party to go to!
We went back to our place and got ready. Me and my friend Meg bought some cat-masks and I dunno what the guys were up to? My babe said that he was supposed to be a dead person... Haha...
The party was at The Standard, on their rooftop. I loved it! It's a really nice hotel with an amazing view. Tons of people, a swimming pool and water beds!!
We we're laying on the water beds, laughing so hard at the whole situation and then Robert DeNiro showed up. Well, not the real one but a guy who works at the hotel dressed up as him and he was too funny!!
I had so much fun with the "gang"! ♥

Hello lovebirds.
I experienced my first earthquake the other night. It only lasted for a few seconds and wasn't really a big deal at all. It kinda sounded and felt like someone tried to park their big truck right outside of our window...
Me and my love just heard a noise and looked at each other... I went "woaah" and he asked "earthquake?". And then we just fell asleep haha...
I'm happy that it was just a small one!
Right now I'm thinking of all the homeless people in New York... Sandy is not nice!! I see all of these status updates on fb, people saying that they don't have any electricity but what about the homeless? They can't even protect themselves.
Brooklyn is flooded and I'm thinking of my baby's family. I hope that everyone is ok!
I experienced my first earthquake the other night. It only lasted for a few seconds and wasn't really a big deal at all. It kinda sounded and felt like someone tried to park their big truck right outside of our window...
Me and my love just heard a noise and looked at each other... I went "woaah" and he asked "earthquake?". And then we just fell asleep haha...
I'm happy that it was just a small one!
Right now I'm thinking of all the homeless people in New York... Sandy is not nice!! I see all of these status updates on fb, people saying that they don't have any electricity but what about the homeless? They can't even protect themselves.
Brooklyn is flooded and I'm thinking of my baby's family. I hope that everyone is ok!
Yummy Juice?
Long time no see, eh? Well, not really.
Had a fun day with my friend Brandi yesterday. We walked around Los Feliz and Silverlake and looked at Halloween stuff. I don't know if we're gonna do anything on Halloween but it's always fun to look around.
It's nice to have some girl time every now and then and just talk about girly problems, haha. We got thirsty and went to this über healthy juice/smoothiebar. I ordered one with acai, blueberries, beets, apples and grapes. It looked nice but it was nasty. He should have put more apples in it to make it sweeter...
But the weirdo Brandi got one with broccoli, parsley and other crazy stuff! And lemme tell you, it took us a loooooong time to drink them, hahaha.
Me and my love are going to the Grove today. He needs to go to the Apple store and fix his computer. Other than that, I don't know what we're gonna do. I really want some arabic food!
Eid Mobarak to all of my friends and family!
We saw this during our walk and I thought of a crazy cat lady that I know.... My mom.
Had a fun day with my friend Brandi yesterday. We walked around Los Feliz and Silverlake and looked at Halloween stuff. I don't know if we're gonna do anything on Halloween but it's always fun to look around.
It's nice to have some girl time every now and then and just talk about girly problems, haha. We got thirsty and went to this über healthy juice/smoothiebar. I ordered one with acai, blueberries, beets, apples and grapes. It looked nice but it was nasty. He should have put more apples in it to make it sweeter...
But the weirdo Brandi got one with broccoli, parsley and other crazy stuff! And lemme tell you, it took us a loooooong time to drink them, hahaha.
Me and my love are going to the Grove today. He needs to go to the Apple store and fix his computer. Other than that, I don't know what we're gonna do. I really want some arabic food!
Eid Mobarak to all of my friends and family!

I'm sitting here on the bed and the windows just started shaking! Ahhhhhhhh! It's so WINDY outside and I hate it!!
Especially since the fire escape is right outside of our window, so it sounds like someone is knocking!
I haven't felt comfy in this apartment since we moved in and I don't really know why. I think the feng shui is just OFF and the guy who lives here told us that someone broke into his apartment through the window (because he forgot to lock it) and stole his computer.
I haven't slept that good either and I just feel a negative energy in here. I don't know what it is! My hubby doesn't feel anything "weird" in here though... Lol.
But yeah, must be the feng shui... Or something?
Save me from this wind! Hahaha...
Especially since the fire escape is right outside of our window, so it sounds like someone is knocking!
I haven't felt comfy in this apartment since we moved in and I don't really know why. I think the feng shui is just OFF and the guy who lives here told us that someone broke into his apartment through the window (because he forgot to lock it) and stole his computer.
I haven't slept that good either and I just feel a negative energy in here. I don't know what it is! My hubby doesn't feel anything "weird" in here though... Lol.
But yeah, must be the feng shui... Or something?
Save me from this wind! Hahaha...

Here's some pictures from Saturday night when we went to the art opening...

Another day on Earth and I feel so happy to be alive.
It feels like things are getting better and that we're getting closer and closer to fulfilling our dreams/goals.
I have so many ideas and I know that I can do it. Unfortunately, I can't share any of them right now but you'll probably be a part of it all in the future.
Fell sleep late last night so of course I woke up late this morning... Went to some stores with my love becaue he had to get some equipment for his mini-studio. Finally, he's got everything he needs to record at home. I'm so happy for him since it's been forever since he was able to record at the crib.
We're gonna take it easy today because tomorrow we have a busy day... We have to go and look at another sublet. It takes like an hour+ to get there by bus! Sucks when it would probably only take 10-20 by car.
And we have some other errands after that...
What's up with you guys?
It feels like things are getting better and that we're getting closer and closer to fulfilling our dreams/goals.
I have so many ideas and I know that I can do it. Unfortunately, I can't share any of them right now but you'll probably be a part of it all in the future.
Fell sleep late last night so of course I woke up late this morning... Went to some stores with my love becaue he had to get some equipment for his mini-studio. Finally, he's got everything he needs to record at home. I'm so happy for him since it's been forever since he was able to record at the crib.
We're gonna take it easy today because tomorrow we have a busy day... We have to go and look at another sublet. It takes like an hour+ to get there by bus! Sucks when it would probably only take 10-20 by car.
And we have some other errands after that...
What's up with you guys?

Artsy Fartsy.
I've had a super fun weekend and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Friday: We went to our friends house and just chilled. The boys recorded some vocals and we had a really good time. My friend Brandi is a freelance hair & make up artist and she wanted to try a new look and asked me if I could be the model. I'll never say no to an offer like that! It feels so good when someone is doing your hair or make up haha... She did a very dark look with some blue in it!
I've had a super fun weekend and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Friday: We went to our friends house and just chilled. The boys recorded some vocals and we had a really good time. My friend Brandi is a freelance hair & make up artist and she wanted to try a new look and asked me if I could be the model. I'll never say no to an offer like that! It feels so good when someone is doing your hair or make up haha... She did a very dark look with some blue in it!

Saturday: A friend came over and we relaxed for a few hours before it was time to meet up with the friends from the night before! We headed out to a very artsy fartsy neighborhood where a photographer that Brandi worked with before were showing some of his work. The photographer's name is Steezy and I had never seen any of his work before so I didn't know what we were about to see... But, apparently, he likes naked women. Haha!
He had some reaaaally extreme art, pictures of women's private parts etc. A lot of people showed up and he sold every single piece! Very inspiring.
When they closed, we left to catch the bus and happened to walk by another art opening. And let me tell you... We all loved it! His name was Sean ( and his art was just completely AMAZING. As soon as we stepped into his studio, we could smell the incense and he was playing some really relaxing music. It felt like meditation-heaven! We all went ohhh, ahhhh, wooooooow when we saw his work.

Sunday: Me and my love met up with his twin. Haha, ok... They're not really twins but they were born on the same day. I've heard so much about that guy and Hashim is always putting his stickers everywhere. His friend is a very talented artist!
He picked us up and we went to a neighborhood called Little Tokyo and ate some yummy food. I ordered beef curry with rice and it was delicious.
After that, we went to Melrose and walked around for a bit and on the way home we stopped by this popular ice cream place called "Milk". I had some blueberry crumble pie and salty caramel! Holyyyyyyyy shi..... It was so good and made me miss my mom's amazing blueberry pie.
So basically, today (sunday) was really all about FOOD haha... We had a good time and it was nice to see more of LA. It's waaaay easier when you have a car!
Right now, I'm eating some fruit and just relaxing. My babe is sleeping so I'm pretty bored...
I'll find something to do tho... I just wish I had some pizza! MMMMMMMMMMMMM.
The Grove
Hello dear blog readers! Watitdew, like my love would say...
Today we had a mission. Job hunting! We went to the famous "The Grove", which is oooovvverrrated by the way! It was just one street, a really nice one though, with a bunch of stores.
And then we continued down Melrose...
It was nice to see all of these areas that they always talk about on tv. My love told me about when he used to sell CD's on Melrose and sold some to Denzel Washington, Left Eye amongst others.
It was super hot today aswell but not as hot as yesterday. I've been feeling ill today though, headache and a little nausea. Might have been because of some food or accidentally drinking some of the water? I don't know!
Have a great night/day, depending on where you live haha...
Found the picture on google.... So, this is THE GROVE.
Today we had a mission. Job hunting! We went to the famous "The Grove", which is oooovvverrrated by the way! It was just one street, a really nice one though, with a bunch of stores.
And then we continued down Melrose...
It was nice to see all of these areas that they always talk about on tv. My love told me about when he used to sell CD's on Melrose and sold some to Denzel Washington, Left Eye amongst others.
It was super hot today aswell but not as hot as yesterday. I've been feeling ill today though, headache and a little nausea. Might have been because of some food or accidentally drinking some of the water? I don't know!
Have a great night/day, depending on where you live haha...

The weather in Los Angeles is amazing. Today it's 34 degrees celsius and we're melting away. We've been inside a lot but today I was like, hey people are freezing in Sweden and I have to go back soon so LET'S GO OUT!
But honestly, if you don't have a pool or an ocean nearby... It's just annoying. Especially if you don't have a car, lol.
We went to Staples and printed out my baby's resumé (which is amazing btw) and then we walked back home because we just couldn't take it anymore!
It's too hot to move, haha. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. It's way better than being cold.
Right now, we're just waiting for the sun to set so that we can go to the store and get some water or something. You can't drink the tap water here... Sucks!!
Aaaaaaaaand... I'm gonna buy a donut or two because I've been craving it for three days!
What are you guys up to?

OMG I'm naked. But damn, I wish I had a pool right now!!
But honestly, if you don't have a pool or an ocean nearby... It's just annoying. Especially if you don't have a car, lol.
We went to Staples and printed out my baby's resumé (which is amazing btw) and then we walked back home because we just couldn't take it anymore!
It's too hot to move, haha. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. It's way better than being cold.
Right now, we're just waiting for the sun to set so that we can go to the store and get some water or something. You can't drink the tap water here... Sucks!!
Aaaaaaaaand... I'm gonna buy a donut or two because I've been craving it for three days!
What are you guys up to?

OMG I'm naked. But damn, I wish I had a pool right now!!
Today is another day.
God morgon!
It's getting a little cold here in LA... Well, around 20 degrees celsius. Still way hotter than in Sweden but people here are wearing thick sweaters and coats, hahaha...
It was actually raining yesterday and it will probably rain today, but that's ok...
I always check my email every morning and today I got a nice surprise... An email from my dad aka baba!
He hardly knows how to use a computer but I sent him a birthday email a few days ago and he actually replied. Wow! Hahaha.
I miss my family.
I don't know what we're doing today. We'll probably just chill! Either way, I'll blog lateerrrroo!
Yesterday's nails.
It's getting a little cold here in LA... Well, around 20 degrees celsius. Still way hotter than in Sweden but people here are wearing thick sweaters and coats, hahaha...
It was actually raining yesterday and it will probably rain today, but that's ok...
I always check my email every morning and today I got a nice surprise... An email from my dad aka baba!
He hardly knows how to use a computer but I sent him a birthday email a few days ago and he actually replied. Wow! Hahaha.
I miss my family.
I don't know what we're doing today. We'll probably just chill! Either way, I'll blog lateerrrroo!

Yesterday's nails.
Fashion district.
So what do you guys think... Should I blog in english or in swedish? My mom wants me to blog in swedish haha...
Woke up early this morning because i'm heading out to go shopping with a friend in LA's fashion district! I'm really looking forward to it since I've heard so much about it.
I'm hoping to find shoes, maybe a top or two and of course NAIL POLISH. Can't live without my polish.
We did our laundry last night and gosh, I can't believe that you have to pay $1 for each machine when it's IN YOUR BUILDING. Hahaha, that's just weird.
Plus, my fave shirt shrunk in the dryer. Damn. It.
It takes me about 15 min to walk to the metro so I better get ready now!
Have a great day!
Woke up early this morning because i'm heading out to go shopping with a friend in LA's fashion district! I'm really looking forward to it since I've heard so much about it.
I'm hoping to find shoes, maybe a top or two and of course NAIL POLISH. Can't live without my polish.
We did our laundry last night and gosh, I can't believe that you have to pay $1 for each machine when it's IN YOUR BUILDING. Hahaha, that's just weird.
Plus, my fave shirt shrunk in the dryer. Damn. It.
It takes me about 15 min to walk to the metro so I better get ready now!
Have a great day!
San Diego pics.


I'm no longer in New York, i'm in California! But, first we went to DC and i got to see the White House. It looks better on TV, haha... I don't have any pictures of that right now but i will upload some pretty soon.
I've promised family members that i would update my blog more often but we don't have internet in the apartment right now so we have to go to starbucks and the wi-fi here sucks...
Oh well, here i am, updating!
It feels great to be here in San Diego. It's a totally different vibe from NY. I really liked NY but i think i like San Diego a bit more... We've been kinda unlucky when it comes to the weather tho. The first day was hot and we felt happy when we landed. But the days after that, it's been raining non stop. It's getting better now tho and people are walking around in shorts. Well, they're not really walking because everybody here is driving. It's crazy, they even have a drive-thru at the pharmacy! Haha...
And when you wanna cross the road, you better hurry up because it's only a green light for like 5 sec, no joke...
Tomorrow, we're planning on going to the Fashion Valley and maybe... wait for it... In-n-Out! Yay. I've heard that they have the best burgers.
Have a good one, as they say over here!