
Hello lovebirds.

I experienced my first earthquake the other night. It only lasted for a few seconds and wasn't really a big deal at all.  It kinda sounded and felt like someone tried to park their big truck right outside of our window... 
Me and my love just heard a noise and looked at each other... I went "woaah" and he asked "earthquake?". And then we just fell asleep haha...
I'm happy that it was just a small one!

Right now I'm thinking of all the homeless people in New York... Sandy is not nice!! I see all of these status updates on fb, people saying that they don't have any electricity but what about the homeless? They can't even protect themselves.

Brooklyn is flooded and I'm thinking of my baby's family. I hope that everyone is ok!



2012-10-30 @ 14:07:31

Det är verkligen en katastrofsituation med den här Frankenstormen, så stackars alla utsatta människor.
Jordbävningar, bara ordet skrämmer vettet ur mig.

2012-10-31 @ 22:14:17

Håller med mamma. Läskigt med jordbävningar, förstås. Hoppas att Hashims familj är säker!

Kram. <3

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