Santa Monica and Venice.
I have to be honest with you. I hate blogging without pictures and that's why I don't write much anymore.
I know that most of you don't care but it's not the kind of blog that I wanna have.
Ugh, sucks.
I know that most of you don't care but it's not the kind of blog that I wanna have.
Ugh, sucks.
Today, we went to Santa Monica and Venice. It was fun to see the places that you've only seen on TV before. But seriously, there's mostly homeless people in Venice. No glam.
You can also buy a lot of art there from local artists and I think it's so sad... They have so much talent and then they end up there. What the hell is up with the world?
I'm also pretty tired of the racist bullshit that's going on here and in the rest of the world.
We had to take several buses today so we bought a daypass for $5, which means that you can use it 8584895457 times if you want.
We get on the bus, my card is fine and I keep on walking when the bus driver suddenly asks my love where he's going. He gives her an answer and she tells him that he's gotta pay more.
She also stopped another afro american girl.
Freaking racist! And don't tell me she's not... She didn't care about me or her fellow mexicans.
It's driving me crazy because it's not right!
That's it for today, hahaha....
Visst tusan är det rasism! Som färgad accepteras man bara om man är en stor filmstjärna,OS-idrottsman eller president - och detta sker helt öppet år 2012. Vad är det för fel på dessa människor
som inte fattar den enkla sanningen, att alla människor är lika mycket värda oavsett hur vi ser ut på utsidan, lång, kort, tjock, mager, svart eller vit - vi är alla uppbyggda på exakt samma sätt innanför skinnet! Sånt här gör mig rasande!
ÅHHHH jag hatar rasism! Hur kan man ens leva med sig själv om man är rasist? Fatta vad mycket tid de människorna lägger på att hata när de istället kan lägga all den tiden och energin på att älska. Så mycket bättre enligt min mening!