The weather in Los Angeles is amazing. Today it's 34 degrees celsius and we're melting away. We've been inside a lot but today I was like, hey people are freezing in Sweden and I have to go back soon so LET'S GO OUT!
But honestly, if you don't have a pool or an ocean nearby... It's just annoying. Especially if you don't have a car, lol. 

We went to Staples and printed out my baby's resumé (which is amazing btw) and then we walked back home because we just couldn't take it anymore! 

It's too hot to move, haha. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. It's way better than being cold.

Right now, we're just waiting for the sun to set so that we can go to the store and get some water or something. You can't drink the tap water here... Sucks!!
Aaaaaaaaand... I'm gonna buy a donut or two because I've been craving it for three days! 

What are you guys up to?

OMG I'm naked. But damn, I wish I had a pool right now!!


2012-10-18 @ 10:47:09

Minnen,underbara minnen dyker upp av den här bilden...
Förstår att riktig värme är jobbigt om man inte ligger vid en pool och har semester.

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