
I'm no longer in New York, i'm in California! But, first we went to DC and i got to see the White House. It looks better on TV, haha... I don't have any pictures of that right now but i will upload some pretty soon.
I've promised family members that i would update my blog more often but we don't have internet in the apartment right now so we have to go to starbucks and the wi-fi here sucks...
Oh well, here i am, updating!
It feels great to be here in San Diego. It's a totally different vibe from NY. I really liked NY but i think i like San Diego a bit more... We've been kinda unlucky when it comes to the weather tho. The first day was hot and we felt happy when we landed. But the days after that, it's been raining non stop. It's getting better now tho and people are walking around in shorts. Well, they're not really walking because everybody here is driving. It's crazy, they even have a drive-thru at the pharmacy! Haha...
And when you wanna cross the road, you better hurry up because it's only a green light for like 5 sec, no joke...
Tomorrow, we're planning on going to the Fashion Valley and maybe... wait for it... In-n-Out! Yay. I've heard that they have the best burgers.
Have a good one, as they say over here!