Warning! Long and important post.

I get all the readers when i write about H&Ms new stuff or the most recent pictures of Kate Moss. But they all disappear when i write about deep stuff, stuff like... War?
I find it funny actually, why are humans acting like this? Why won't some of us just open our eyes and face reality?
People are suffering, dying, losing everything they've got while some of us are out shopping. Like i said, i'm not against shallow things. I love being shallow sometimes and i love shopping. But, i always think about those who can't even afford to eat everyday or have a bed to sleep in. It makes me cry and it's one of the reasons to why i wanna get filthy rich. I wanna help.
I don't really know what i'm trying to say with this post. Maybe that we're all stupid? Maybe i'm calling YOU stupid? Who knows? I don't. I'm just so sick of us. Humans. We're disgusting. We don't know shit about anything.
I just know that there's a few people in this world who are controlling everything. I mean, EVERYTHING. We need to wake up, do some research and put an end to this misery. No, i'm not talking about dying! Silly. I'm talking about changing our lives. Even though a president promised a change, it won't be a change to the better unless we all do something. Yes, just do SOMETHING. Please don't be naive or stupid.
Maybe i've heard too many conspiracy theories but don't you want to know what's really going on in the world?
My hubby introduced me to a pretty cool and funny man called Alex Jones. We listen to his radioshow every now and then and i think you should too. Go to this link to find out more about the world we're living in.
Unfortunately 95% of all the blogs that (mostly)women follow are about make-up, shopping and other "important" stuff. Jeez.