Willow Smith.


I bet that most of you have heard this song plenty of times by now. Everybody seems to love it but as soon as i heard it, i just thought about how scary the world is.
It's a catchy song but do you really think that 9 year olds should be singing songs like this one?
It's so scary how she's wearing fake hair, fake nails, having dancers doing crazy stuff on the floor and people are loving it?
I don't know about you but when i was nine, i was still playing with toys.
Yes, i know, she must love dressing up etc but come on... It's a little bit deeper than that!
Well, maybe i'm being boring, you tell me. But i still think it's wrong and scary as hell.
The end. Haha.


2010-11-02 @ 18:53:28

håller med dig fullt ut. medias bild - din verklighet heter det ju.. tyvärr så är det så. media har sån makt i världen idag och att den missbrukas kan man lugnt säga. ju tidigare företagen kan tjäna pengar ju bättre. ansvaret och moralen är som bortblåst. undrar hur det ser ut när ens egna barn växer upp.

intressant skrivande i din blogg, skiljer sig från andras :)

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