Ready, set, go.

Last monday i took the 5.30 (swedish time) train to the airport. My dad joined me since he wanted to say bye. We arrived about 2h later and my flight was supposed to departure at 13.25 but it got delayed until around 16.00. On the plane, we had to wait a bit longer before we could finally leave the ground. And let me tell you, i didn't sleep the night before and i also didn't have much to eat. So you can just imagine how i feel around this time...
The flight took 8h but 1,5h before we were landing, the captain said that we had to land in Detroit because JFK, NY was closed. OH NOOOOO!! All the passengers looked at each other and i suddenly felt super lonely. We landed around 7-8 and that's around 2 in the morning swedish time. So i had left monday morning and i was in Detroit tuesday morning, kinda.
We all got hotel vouchers and after some questions at customs, they told us all to take the shuttle to the hotel. I walked around looking for the shuttles and i had no idea where to go. I saw a blonde girl with a voucher in her hand and i asked her if she was swedish. And she was! Yay. I finally had some company. The shuttle we were supposed to take never arrived so we asked two other passengers if they wanted to share a cab with us.
At the hotel, everybody was nervous about not being able to leave the next day. We made some calls and the person at Delta said that we had our seats. Okaaay, time to relax...
The next day, we left to the airport at 12.30, so 6.30 pm swedish time. Gosh what a long trip! When we arrived they said that our flight would be on time and departure at 4 pm. Well, let me tell you this... It didn't!! The people at the airport had no idea when we would be able to leave so thet told us to never leave the gate. Guess when our flight finally departured? Yeah, at 9 and we landed in NYC around 11. Sooooo... That's around 5 in the morning swedish time. So i came here to the crib on wednesday morning but i left sweden monday morning.
And one more thing... I took a direct flight so i wouldn't have to go through all of this! Haha, what a joke.
So that's my story and please stay tuned for more exciting and fun stuff, haha.
Be safe.
Stackars älskling.
Vilken resa! :-D Jättekul att du skriver. Jag ska läsa allt på denna blogg! :-D
Kraaam, älskade sis! <3
Älskade Emilia, det var en resa med många komplikationer. Jag blir ändå glad att läsa att du klarade allt så bra och på egen hand också. Du är duktig och det kommer gå bra för dig i NY!
Kram Fahmi